This will be updated soon, but before there is anything better in place, some general guidelines for terms of usage is laid out here.
You may not use this service to anything unlegal and/or generally objective purpose.
You can use this service for free as it is.
Service is offered as it is. No guarantees are given, but best effort is used to keep service running and usable at all the time.
WishSimply is offering two kind of lists. Closed and public. If you have problems with closed list, please contact your friend that made the list and invited you to that list, and ask him/her to make needed adjustments, or delete your invitation to that list. WishSimply will not check closed list. If you have problems with public list, there is 'report' link in the bottom right corner of each such list. Click it and follow directions.
If there is some abusive content the list will be taken down. (Notice that WishSimply is not profiting any way from the abusive or infrigement content published on the site as we are not even serving advertisements.)
By submitting a complaint, you acknowledge that, at WishSimply's sole discretion, copies of the complain may be provide to the WishSimply user, posted on WishSimply website and/or provided to third party services such as ChillingEffects.org.