Wishsimply is a free service to manage your wishlists. Be it for Christmas, birthday, wedding or any other event. For your own event, your children's or friends'. And No spam or ads! All with a clean interface and simple processes.
Wishsimply is available as a web service for desktop browsers and as a separate mobile app, and they are always in sync. So you can use it at any time, on your home, workplace or on the road.
Both versions are optimized for their own platform. The desktop version allows you to utilize the whole screen area and to see more items at once. The mobile app offer simpler navigation and utilizes the camera and notifications.
How others see your wish list?
Everybody sees the wish list almost exactly the same way. This makes it easy to set it up as you can see all the time how your audience will see it. The only difference is that only list owner can edit a list and see related controls for that.