You might have noticed that we have put up some time ago also other nice page about great services to protect your privacy. That page was newer introduced either, so we are doing that now.
So we have collected to that page a few good services, which will help you to keep a bit of your privacy in the digital world, without trouble, and without giving up the comfort of the applications or the services that you have used.
First of all there is Iridium browser that is copy of Google's Chrome browser. Only difference is that it is not calling home, i.e. reporting to Google that what you are doing, like the original Chrome will do. If you are using Chrome, switch to that. You won't notice the difference. Of course even better choice is to use Firefox, but if you prefer Chrome more, Iridium is exact match for you.
Second thing is the search engine. We use it daily and expose lot of us to it. All those search terms and links that we click are stored, and connected to your ip address. But they don't need to be. Currently there are two main search engines: Google and Bing, and for both there is free proxy that will hide your ip address. So set up StartPage or GoGoDuck as your default search engine and you are done. Again, there won't be difference to the past, except that you are not tracked any more.
Third thing is to patch your web browser a bit, but it goes also very easily. There are browser add-ons that can be installed with few clicks, and which will prevent third parties (sites that you don't visit) tracking you. We will recommend Privacy Badger and AdBlock Plus. If you want more, read forward e.g. this great page from Me and My Shadow project.
..and then there is quite much more, but I guess that this is enough for introducing that page, and also good start for supporting privacy, if you start using those. Earlier privacy was mostly granted, but today's digital world it needs to be taken with own actions. Supporting privacy is important as without it there is no right to free speech. You can support privacy by using some programs that will help you on that, and/or then you can use services like WishSimply that have all it baked in.
Check out the other great services page to see what we have collected there. Idea is to update that page once and while, while blog posts will roll forward.
Do you know some other good services that will respect privacy and you would like get it added to the list? If so, please contact us, or reply to this post.
Great services to protect your privacy
So we have collected to that page a few good services, which will help you to keep a bit of your privacy in the digital world, without trouble, and without giving up the comfort of the applications or the services that you have used.
First of all there is Iridium browser that is copy of Google's Chrome browser. Only difference is that it is not calling home, i.e. reporting to Google that what you are doing, like the original Chrome will do. If you are using Chrome, switch to that. You won't notice the difference. Of course even better choice is to use Firefox, but if you prefer Chrome more, Iridium is exact match for you.
Second thing is the search engine. We use it daily and expose lot of us to it. All those search terms and links that we click are stored, and connected to your ip address. But they don't need to be. Currently there are two main search engines: Google and Bing, and for both there is free proxy that will hide your ip address. So set up StartPage or GoGoDuck as your default search engine and you are done. Again, there won't be difference to the past, except that you are not tracked any more.
Third thing is to patch your web browser a bit, but it goes also very easily. There are browser add-ons that can be installed with few clicks, and which will prevent third parties (sites that you don't visit) tracking you. We will recommend Privacy Badger and AdBlock Plus. If you want more, read forward e.g. this great page from Me and My Shadow project.
..and then there is quite much more, but I guess that this is enough for introducing that page, and also good start for supporting privacy, if you start using those. Earlier privacy was mostly granted, but today's digital world it needs to be taken with own actions. Supporting privacy is important as without it there is no right to free speech. You can support privacy by using some programs that will help you on that, and/or then you can use services like WishSimply that have all it baked in.
Check out the other great services page to see what we have collected there. Idea is to update that page once and while, while blog posts will roll forward.
Do you know some other good services that will respect privacy and you would like get it added to the list? If so, please contact us, or reply to this post.