Here is the post promised long ago about data export.
The Europe-wide General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) came into force on 25 May 2018. We had already been compliant with it for years earlier, thanks to our policies:
* We let you know what information is collected
* All data about you is visible and accessible to you
* Data is not given or sold to other parties
* You can correct any faulty data
* You can delete your data at any point
GDPR also says that users must be able to object to the processing of personal information for marketing, sales, or non-service-related purposes. But since we don't do any of those, there isn't anything to object to.
However, regarding data portability, our service has not been the best. If somebody had wanted to request his/her information from us, it would have taken time for us to notice the request and process it. In the last release, we fixed that and now you can export your data from our service immediately when you want to.
Export your data
In order to export your data, you need to go to Settings | Account settings and notice the new block 'Export my data' as shown in Figure 1 below.
Figure 1 - New 'export data' section in the Account settings page
Type in your password to confirm that you are entitled to download the information, and then click the 'show my data' button that activates. See Figure 2.
Figure 2 - Give password and push the button
After that, a new inline pop-up window opens that shows the data. You can browse it there, or copy it onto your clipboard by clicking the 'copy all to clipboard' button. That will do the same as selecting 'copy' (or CTRL+C) in any other application. After that, just paste it wherever you want (notepad, excel, etc.). See Figure 3.
Figure 3 - Copy data to clipboard and paste it where you like
GDPR-related info
We process your data to provide this service. We use only the data that you have provided to us, and to a small extent data provided by your friends whom you have invited to use this service (purchases and messages). Our legal base for processing your information is your consent and the contract (our terms of service) that you have accepted by using this service.
We will store your data for as long as you are our user. If you stop using our service, we will delete your data after 18 months. If you want to delete your information earlier, you can terminate your account in our service at any time. Terminating your account will also permanently delete your data in our systems (we will not just hide it like Google or Facebook). Your data is located and processed within the EU area, and is not shared with any other party. Not in the EU or outside of it.
Only one possible small exception - CloudFlare
The only possible exception to the above is that we are using CloudFlare to speed up our content delivery and to protect us (and you!) from different kinds of cyberattacks.
Our CloudFlare usage means that all of our users' web connections go through their servers/network. It would be possible for them to record your actions, but they should not be doing that. They have also said that they are not interested in what you do in the internet, even in their analytics product! And based on their actions so far, we believe them.
Own anonymous analytics
In addition to what we have disclosed about data collection so far and what you can export from our service, we are also collecting usage data with an opensource web analytics service (Matamoto (Former Piwik)) that we host ourselves. However, that data is collected by a separated system that is not directly connected to the wish list service and thus the data sets are separate and cannot be connected together. So, the web analytics data is fully anonymous for us.
This is also the reason why we cannot provide it to you, since we don't know what part of the data would belong to you. Those data might still contain some data that some other party could use and connect to you, and therefore we are not giving or sharing that information to anybody else either. (In contrast, if we were using google analytics, google would be able to connect your browsing between other sites and its own services.)
Cheers, WishSimply
Az oldal használatával Ön elfogadja felhasználási feltételeinket és adatvédelmi szabályzatunkat. 2013-2017. Iteco Oy. Minden jog fenntartva.
Data export and GDPR
The Europe-wide General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) came into force on 25 May 2018. We had already been compliant with it for years earlier, thanks to our policies:
GDPR also says that users must be able to object to the processing of personal information for marketing, sales, or non-service-related purposes. But since we don't do any of those, there isn't anything to object to.
However, regarding data portability, our service has not been the best. If somebody had wanted to request his/her information from us, it would have taken time for us to notice the request and process it. In the last release, we fixed that and now you can export your data from our service immediately when you want to.
Export your data
In order to export your data, you need to go to Settings | Account settings and notice the new block 'Export my data' as shown in Figure 1 below.
Type in your password to confirm that you are entitled to download the information, and then click the 'show my data' button that activates. See Figure 2.
After that, a new inline pop-up window opens that shows the data. You can browse it there, or copy it onto your clipboard by clicking the 'copy all to clipboard' button. That will do the same as selecting 'copy' (or CTRL+C) in any other application. After that, just paste it wherever you want (notepad, excel, etc.). See Figure 3.
GDPR-related info
We process your data to provide this service. We use only the data that you have provided to us, and to a small extent data provided by your friends whom you have invited to use this service (purchases and messages). Our legal base for processing your information is your consent and the contract (our terms of service) that you have accepted by using this service.
We will store your data for as long as you are our user. If you stop using our service, we will delete your data after 18 months. If you want to delete your information earlier, you can terminate your account in our service at any time. Terminating your account will also permanently delete your data in our systems (we will not just hide it like Google or Facebook). Your data is located and processed within the EU area, and is not shared with any other party. Not in the EU or outside of it.
Only one possible small exception - CloudFlare
The only possible exception to the above is that we are using CloudFlare to speed up our content delivery and to protect us (and you!) from different kinds of cyberattacks.
Our CloudFlare usage means that all of our users' web connections go through their servers/network. It would be possible for them to record your actions, but they should not be doing that. They have also said that they are not interested in what you do in the internet, even in their analytics product! And based on their actions so far, we believe them.
Own anonymous analytics
In addition to what we have disclosed about data collection so far and what you can export from our service, we are also collecting usage data with an opensource web analytics service (Matamoto (Former Piwik)) that we host ourselves. However, that data is collected by a separated system that is not directly connected to the wish list service and thus the data sets are separate and cannot be connected together. So, the web analytics data is fully anonymous for us.
This is also the reason why we cannot provide it to you, since we don't know what part of the data would belong to you. Those data might still contain some data that some other party could use and connect to you, and therefore we are not giving or sharing that information to anybody else either. (In contrast, if we were using google analytics, google would be able to connect your browsing between other sites and its own services.)