More time passed than we originally planned, and in the end we selected two options instead of one. So we will provide two alternatives for the WishIT button. The orange button is the default WishIT button, but we also offer a lighter version that might fit in some shops better. The selected options are below. And below here is also our new favicon that matches nicely with the icon in the WishIT button, and with the logo that we have already been using on the site.
PS. If you know a shop that would be interested in integrating our button in their shop, let them or us know. Thanks!
New WishIT buttons selected
More time passed than we originally planned, and in the end we selected two options instead of one. So we will provide two alternatives for the WishIT button. The orange button is the default WishIT button, but we also offer a lighter version that might fit in some shops better. The selected options are below.
And below here is also our new favicon that matches nicely with the icon in the WishIT button, and with the logo that we have already been using on the site. 
PS. If you know a shop that would be interested in integrating our button in their shop, let them or us know. Thanks!
Yours, WishSimply